Auctioneer Alex Pattaro posts market updates at wedding, on honeymoon.

Publish date: 2024-04-20

An Australian real estate top gun is going viral with a peculiar wedding video showing how much he lives and breathes his job.

Alex Pattaro, the NSW and ACT Chief Auctioneer for Ray White, married wife Monique in June at what appeared to be a lovely wedding.

But a video taken soon after the pair tied the knot has resurfaced and since gone viral.

Uploaded initially on the 27-year-old’s own social media feeds, the video shows the newlyweds at their wedding reception when the groom launches into an “Around the Grounds” market update.

“A real special ‘Around the Grounds’ today because it was my wedding day. I’ve had the absolute privilege to marry my beautiful wife,” he said before launching into a sales update. “I’ve kept in contact with the Ray White team, and boy, it was a ripper day for the guys – 65 per cent clearance rate, five registered bidders, three active bidders, but the greatest sale today was the sale that I personally made by marrying my beautiful bride.”

“Great week for the Ray White team. We’ll see you next week!”

The resurfaced on the popular Instagram account “Lords of Property” shared the video, which pokes fun at the real estate industry.

Mr Pattaro told that the weekly updates had been a constant for him for years, and the video was greenlit by his bride “well before” the wedding.

“It didn’t take the spotlight away from the wedding - I can promise you that now,” he said.

“I’ve been running with these weekend posts very consistently every Saturday for about three years now.”

“It was a conversation my wife and I had well before wedding day whether I’d do it or not, and she was completely on board with it - with the nature of my role and the nature of the company, we thought we’d keep it consistent and have a bit of fun with it.

“To take a one-minute video, or a 40-second video on your wedding day when you’ve been doing it consistently for three years, isn’t too much out.

“(The data) is available to you quickly and easily on your phone.”

Despite online commentary fearing otherwise, Mr Pattaro assured he had a healthy work-life balance.

“Work-life balance is something that we talk about and something we pride ourselves on, and we’re both very happy mate,” he said.

“We’d do it all over again, with or without the video. The wedding certainly got the spotlight and the respect it deserves, that’s for sure.

Hundreds have piled into the comment sections online with their thoughts on the unusual wedding clip.

“The grind never stops – wedding, birth of child, or funeral,” one person joked.

One commenter offered some advice: “Take a day off.”

Mr Pattaro, who has shot up the real estate ranks since selling his first home at 17, continued the posts like clockwork into the honeymoon.

Mr Pattaro, while technically away from work celebrating his marriage, posted several more weekly updates from idyllic destinations like Mykonos, Naples and Bardi.

His own followers appeared to appreciate the dedication.

“Love the commitment, mate,” one wrote

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Another added, “He’s non-stop.”

“Loving the Italian update,” said another.

Mr Pattaro said he uses the weekly updates to communicate with a broad range of stakeholders and followers with the latest data and insights.
