Cameron Diaz: Pork scratchings are my favorite snack in the whole world!

Publish date: 2024-05-08

I already previewed Cameron Diaz’s Elle UK cover(s) and interview earlier this week, but more photos and interview excerpts were just released, so enjoy. Previously, Camy had my blood boiling when she name-dropped Michael Fassbender (they worked together on Ridley Scott’s The Counselor), saying that “He does have a lot of confidence…” I guess we’re supposed to take that as “Cameron is super-confident and she loves confident men, so she’s on Fassy’s jock.” Please… NO. In these interview highlights, Cameron does mention Fassy again (thank God), but she does talk about sex and babies and that book she’s writing about fitness and nutrition.

Camy when asked what burns more calories, 30 minutes of dancing or 30 minutes of sex: “Depends on what kind of sex you’re having. Try ‘em both! Do them both on the same day, that’s what I say!”

What she would do if she wasn’t an actress: “I have no idea…That’s why I’m so grateful for it. It’s the only thing that I know how to do. I do think about it all the time – what would have happened had I not just found my way out from that? But I think you always find your way out.”

Her favorite snack? Pork scratchings (British snack food – bite-sized pieces of a pig’s skin that are salted, deep-fried, and served cold, often at British pubs) “Oh, that’s my favorite snack in the whole world! Even with the bristles I don’t care, I’ll do it! It’s my favorite thing.”

Her book about fitness and nutrition. “It’s not about what I eat or do what I do. It’s really about the information, so that young girls and women can look at it and make their own choices,” she says. “I’d hate to give them guidelines of what I do… I’m excited about my discipline [which revolves around] a protein, a grain, and a green… I want to be disciplined. It’s not a limitation to me; it opens up my life to so many opportunities.”

Will she ever have kids? “I don’t need to have the children in my life be a part of my literal flesh. And anyway, there’s still a possibility of that, I ain’t that old. I’m feeling very… capable.”

[From Us Weekly & the NYDN]

Us Weekly says “pork scratchings” are like the American “pork rinds”. I just realized that although I’ve grown up in a pork-rindy Southern culture, I’ve managed to go my whole life without ever eating a pork rind. Even though pork scratchings sound totally gross, I have to admit… I would probably like them. I like salty, fried things. And they probably go well with beer or liquor. I always crave salty, fried, porky things when I’m drinking. Which goes a long way to explaining why I rarely drink these days!

Photos courtesy of Elle UK.
