How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-23

Players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 would have come across the term packet burst while playing both games. It is a highly annoying issue wherein you encounter significant latency, desync, rubberbanding, and other issues that hamper one's gaming experience. The issue usually appears at the most inconvenient times, like when engaging in a fierce fight or in the latter stages of a match.

Players may experience dissatisfaction when they lose a fight due to such an issue. The occurrence of a packet burst baffles many players, who are constantly searching for possible fixes to try and solve it. The following post will look more closely at the issue and how to resolve it MW2 and Warzone 2.

Packet burst in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

Packet bursts, more commonly known as packet losses, occur when there is a disruption in the continuous flow of information/data between your PC or console and the game server. If you are experiencing the issue, it is most commonly due to a connectivity issue.

If you observe three orange squares layered above one another during matches, you are experiencing a packet burst. You will likely encounter lag, delays, stuttering, and rubberbanding, which can significantly influence your gameplay experience and even cause you to be a hindrance to your team.

Online games as large and popular as Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 are almost always certain to encounter connectivity troubles now and then since they demand stable connections. Any interruption in the connection could result in packet loss. However, players can try out certain tweaks to remedy the issue, although there is currently no definitive solution.

Ways to fix packet burst in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

The methods listed below will assist players in overcoming packet bursts.

1) Turn off On-Demand Texture Streaming

On-Demand Texture Streaming setting (Image via Activision)

On-Demand Texture Streaming is a function that enhances a game's visual quality by downloading high-quality textures in the background while it is being played. Since textures are downloaded between matches, it may cause packet bursts, and turning it off is the simplest method to avoid the problem.

To disable it, go to the game's Graphics settings and change the On-Demand Texture Streaming to Off under Details & Textures.

2) Check Call of Duty server issues

Server status (Image via Activision)

The creators occasionally take the servers offline for server maintenance with little notice, causing players to experience many out-of-control packet bursts. If this occurs, individuals should check to see if the servers are up and running by visiting the Activision Online Services website or the URL:

The following webpage will reveal whether the title's server is online or not; if it is not, take a break and try again later.

3) Check internet connection

Players who connect to the game through WiFi are more likely to encounter the issue since such connections are more prone to electrical interference. An Ethernet cable, on the other hand, offers a direct, dedicated connection between the device and the router, which helps to limit packet bursts.

Players are advised to connect an ethernet cable rather than play Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 using a WiFi connection.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded update will arrive in a few hours on PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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