Hugh Hefner on Sarah Palin

Publish date: 2024-04-16

Hugh Hefner is a little late to the game. The question of Sarah Palin’s qualifications to be Vice-President isn’t even a moot point anymore, it’s a dead point, shot from the helicopter of the American voters. But since his webisodes are called Ask Hef Anything, when the question was asked if Hefner thinks Palin is qualified to be the VP of the US, it was a late but unadulterated “no”.

Ask Hef Anything…

As an advocate of teen abstinence, is Sarah Palin a hypocrite because of her daughter’s pregnancy? Is she fit to be VP?

Hef: I wouldn’t call her a hypocrite. I think that, you know, it isn’t.. she’s not the one who got pregnant. Her daughter is her own person. I just think that Sarah and a lot of other people are misguided in terms of some very serious issues, that’s all. I don’t think she’s in any manner, shape or form suited to be Vice President of the United States. And particularly not suited to be the vice president of a president who is in his 70s. And, you know, a heartbeat away from the Presidency. No, she’s clearly not qualified.

[Transcribed from YouTube]

I’m not completely convinced Hef thinks the Alaska Governor is qualified for the pages of his magazine, either. Word had been going around that Hef wanted to extend an offer to the former VP candidate to pose for Playboy. But when asked if it was true, his reaction is the same as mine at the thought of the 44-year old, fundamentalist Christian tossing off her consignment store clothes: a loud belly laugh.

Is it true you want Sarah Palin to pose for Playboy?

Hef: HA HA HA HA! The press and media are continually, you know, in the middle of other interview questions saying ‘Would you like so-and-so to pose?’ and what’s the answer to that, you know? If they’re a celebrity of any kind, the answer is ‘Noo, I wouldn’t want Sarah Palin (laugh). Of course!’ And then that winds up being thought of as actual news and of course it’s not news at all. Silly stuff.

[Transcribed from YouTube]

Hugh Hefner has time to spend pontificating on subjects that have no chance of reality, which is really the basis for his Ask Hef Anything spots. He has the unique perspective of a millionaire octogenarian who still has all the women he wants at his beck and call. He’s interesting to listen to at least. The rantings of a crazy old guys often are.
