Rest Cowboy - Cody Rhodes reacts to Bray Wyatts passing

Publish date: 2024-05-25

WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes has reacted to the tragic news of Bray Wyatt's passing at the age of 36.

The wrestling world was rocked as the heartbreaking news regarding the passing of Bray Wyatt (real name Windham Rotunda) came to light today. Triple H took to Twitter to share the announcement that Wyatt's father, Hall of Famer Mike Rotunda, personally informed him about the situation.

Wyatt had been one of the most creative minds to have ever stepped not only in WWE but the wrestling business itself. His loss has impacted everyone everywhere, with his colleagues in the company who worked alongside him pouring their hearts out with tributes.

Cody Rhodes took to Twitter to pay his respects to Wyatt on social media as he reflected on the loss of his friend.

"Power and endless love to your family Rest Cowboy"

Rhodes had been involved with Wyatt during his early developmental years in the WWE when the latter was known as Husky Harris. The former WWE Champion was also the rookie of the American Nightmare in the second season of NXT back in its reality show era.

Reported reason behind Bray Wyatt's tragic passing at age 36

Bray Wyatt had been one of the most intriguing superstars of this generation and brought an unmatched creative output to the wrestling world.

From the start, there had been many questions regarding him being taken off of TV not long after returning to the WWE. There had been suggestions that Wyatt had been dealing with a health issue and was given a break to recover. It was also indicated that this issue had been a 'life-threatening illness.'

The circumstances regarding Wyatt's illness have now been cleared. Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful reported that the superstar had contracted COVID earlier this year, leading to his past heart issues getting exacerbated.

Even though he had been improving slowly, a sudden heart attack caused his untimely passing today.

We at Sportskeeda send our deepest condolences to Bray Wyatt's family, friends, and fans in this challenging time.

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