Ryan Evans sentenced to jail for murder of Keith Cini

Publish date: 2024-04-12

AN ICE-ADDICT who brutally beat a Sydney pig farmer to death with a pick handle in a violent home invasion has been jailed for at least 36 years.

Ryan David Evans, 29, was found guilty in May of a string of offences related to two home invasions including the murder of Keith Cini, 69, at his Badgerys Creek home in the early hours of May 30, 2014.

In the NSW Supreme Court on Friday, Justice Robert Allan Hulme set a maximum term of 48 years describing the murder as a “cowardly, violent and shameful attack”.

He had given “earnest consideration” to the crown’s submission that Evans should be locked up for life but was not satisfied the murder fell within the extreme category attracting the maximum sentence although “it is very close to it”.

As well as the murder of his former employer, Evans was convicted of five other offences including savagely beating Brett Delamont in an earlier home invasion at Medway in the NSW Southern Highlands in late April 2014.

Two other ice addicts, who pleaded guilty and gave evidence against Evans, took part in the Medway home invasion, while one was also involved in the Badgerys Creek crime.

The intruders were seeking money and property to buy drugs.

The Medway residence was in a rural location some distance from neighbours. The judge said the occupants were attacked when they “were not only entitled to safety and security but at a time when they were at their most vulnerable — in bed asleep”.

The Badgerys Creek offences also involved a planned targeting of a home when the residents would be at their most vulnerable.

Evans repeatedly used the pick handle to strike Mr Cini, later saying: “It was like I couldn’t control myself ... I just kept going until he didn’t look like a person anymore and he was covered in blood.”

Outside court on Friday, Mr Cini’s daughter, Leanne Adam, and Mr Delamont’s daughter, Kirby Delamont, said they were happy with the sentence but had hoped for a life term.

Evans will be eligible for parole in 2050.

In the NSW Supreme Court on Friday, Justice Robert Allan Hulme set a maximum term of 48 years describing the murder as a “cowardly, violent and shameful attack”.
