Star Cover: Arnold fondles a random, slept with maid just weeks ago

Publish date: 2024-05-20

It’s Wednesday afternoon here on the East Coast, which means that this week is about half over and that it’s not too long until the tabloids come out, yay! Today we’re treated to the cover of Star Magazine, which is just about the best one that I’ve seen on the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal yet. He’s groping a chick in a sexy cop costume and she looks just his type – big, brunette and busty. I’m sure there’s a whole cadre of women he was with in the over two decades he was married to Maria. Star puts a number on it: 32 more, as if they have a super inside source who kept track of Arnold’s wandering d*ck over the years. I doubt he was down to less than two a year when he was married, and 33 is probably just the number of women that Star and Radar were able to estimate.

As for the “two other” love children claim on the cover, that’s something that actress Jane Seymour said she was told by a friend. A biographer of Arnold’s claims to have found six women who have had babies by him, as we’ve already heard.

Hollywood Life has advance details of the Star report, and Star and Radar have some very good dirt on this scandal. They claim that Maria has known about the child her husband fathered by the maid for years, and that she first found out about in 2006. That makes no sense to me, because logic dictates that she would have fired the housekeeper the minute she found out. Star also recounts an alleged encounter that Arnold and Mildred were having in the bedroom when they got busted by Maria – just a few weeks ago! Now didn’t Mildred “retire” back in January, right around the time that Maria left the house? This could have happened in January, which is more than just a “few weeks,” but it’s Star so I’m not counting on it.

According to Star, Arnold also paid Mildred $10k a month child support on top of the $1k a week she made for working for his family. Now that, I believe:

Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s love child with mistress Mildred Baena was not a surprise to wife Maria Shriver it seems, in fact she has now about him for years! Star reports that Maria, noticing the similarities between Mildred’s son and Arnold, actually confronted her maid, and Arnold’s lover, in 2006! A source tells the mag, “Mildred confessed that her child was fathered by Arnold … and vowed it would never happen again.” This, however, was not the case.

Maria decided to stand by Arnold despite this news, but that all changed weeks ago when Arnold and Mildred were caught together in bed. “They found Arnold in bed, naked and under the sheets — and Mildred scurrying into a closet,” says a source. “Mildred insisted she was merely cleaning up and dusting.” Ummmm, yeah.

Upon learning his affair was still going on Maria decided to end her marriage with Arnold, and Arnold in turn contacted Mildred and instructed her to no longer come to work. Mildred could have chosen to go public with the story for money, even though Arnold was giving her a rumored $10,000 a month, but she choose not to so as to protect Arnold.

[From Hollywood Life]

I could see Arnold getting his freak on during the day with the maid for like 20 years and continuing until the moment he got busted. I could also see Maria buying his claim that it was over, but I doubt she would let the woman continue to work for her. I just don’t think it’s true that she’s known about the child since 2006.

Getting back to this sleazy picture on the cover of Star, it reminds me of a series of photos that Gawker published years ago before this scandal. One featured a then-single Arnold fingering a woman and smiling for the camera with other people around. (Here’s the link to that photo, but warning it’s gross!) And we’ve already heard about him brag about group sex. So this isn’t surprising, it’s just skeevy and sad. For years he played it off like that was all in his youth and he was this changed family man running the most populated state in the country. What took the press so long to dig this up?



Arnold is shown on 4/7/11. Credit:
