The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 returns from its prolonged hiatus

Publish date: 2024-05-30

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episodes 7 and beyond were delayed after a Covid-19 outbreak within the production house. Studio Silver Link had to close their doors to get the situation under control. The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 became one of the many spring 2023 releases whose production schedule was affected by Covid-19.

Fortunately, the official Twitter account of the series and the official website recently made an announcement about the sequel's broadcast. They said that the broadcast will restart from episode 1, A Lesson by God, starting July 1, 2023.

A new promotional video and key visuals were subsequently revealed as part of the announcement.

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 will restart the broadcast from episode 1 in July 2023

Although fans are relieved about the news of the return of The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2, they still have to wait for the release of episode 7. The episode was originally scheduled to air on February 19, 2023.

International fans who have been watching the series exclusively on Crunchyroll will have to wait until the streaming platform breaks its silence on the new schedule.

The official website of The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 also released a statement regarding the return of the sequel.

The statement says that the broadcast will resume in July 2023 and added:

"Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the broadcast and distribution of the TV anime "Maou Gakuin no Misfit II-The Founder of the Strongest Demon King in History, Reincarnated and Attending School for His Descendants-" will be released in July 2023. Broadcast restart decision from the first episode!"

The first episode of The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 was released on January 8, 2023, and episode 6 was released on February 12, 2023. Here is a list of all the episodes and their titles from season two:

A brief synopsis of The Misfit of Demon King Academy by Crunchyroll reads:

"Anos Voldigord was a tyrannical Demon King that eradicated humans, spirits, and even the gods, but became bored of eternal warfare and reincarnated with dreams of a peaceful world. However, what awaited him in reincarnation after 2000 years were descendants who became too weak after being accustomed to peace, and all sorts of magic that deteriorated to the extreme."

It continues:

"Anos enters Demon King Academy that gathers and educates those who are viewed as the reincarnation of the Demon King, but the academy could not see through his true powers and ends up branding him as a misfit."

The new production schedule hasn’t been revealed yet. However, The Misfit of Demon King Academy fans can anticipate additional details for the sequel to be disclosed soon.

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