Who is Adrian Petersons wife Ashley? A look into former Vikings RBs family

Publish date: 2024-06-03

Adrian Peterson should have his place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame once he is eligible for induction.

Aside from having the most rushing yards in a game (296), he is also the last non-quarterback to win the NFL Most Valuable Player award.

But none of his success could have been possible without the support of his family, especially his wife, Ashley Brown Peterson. They met as students at the University of Oklahoma and had an on-off relationship before starting a family.

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Peterson and Brown tied the knot in a private ceremony in Summer 2014. The public knew about their marriage five months later when they wore their wedding rings to a Starkey Hearing Foundation gala in Minnesota.

Ashley also mentioned “Peterson” when a reporter asked for her surname. She also told photographers to identify her as Ashley Peterson in their snapshots.

Adrian Peterson and Ashley Brown have two children together. Adrian Peterson Jr. was born in 2011, three years before their marriage. Four years later, they welcomed Axyl Eugene Peterson to their family.

Their two sons are also athletically inclined, with Adrian Jr. playing baseball while Axyl participates in track and field.

She is also a stepmother to her husband’s six children from six different women.

However, Ashley Brown is more than Adrian Peterson’s wife. She is the founder and CEO of Elizabella Cosmetics, which was inspired by her passion for makeup and beauty.

According to the company’s website, her inclination to cosmetics started at age five when she received a “play” makeup set from her mother. Seeing her mother operate her business inspired her to follow suit.

Earlier in her life, Ashley moved to Los Angeles to become a professional model for Abrams Artists Agency and Ford Models. That profession ties up with her expertise in beauty and cosmetics.

Meanwhile, Ashley and Adrian Peterson founded the A&A Peterson Family Foundation. Taken from its official website, the foundation’s mission is:

“To improve quality of life through resources and economic development, as well as transform communities through educational and economic empowerment.”

They aim to achieve their aspirations by developing opportunities for underserved individuals, especially children, whom they aim to inspire through robotics, science, and technology.

In 2021, the foundation donated over 200,000 meals to communities in Tennessee and Seattle during the Holiday months of November and December.

Adrian Peterson and Ashley Brown’s marriage went through a rough patch

Aside from the physical injuries inflicted on his sons, Adrian Peterson was also arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport for domestic violence.

The incident occurred after Super Bowl LVI, wherein the couple had an alleged altercation while on a plane bound for Houston.

After a verbal argument, things heated up, leading the male Peterson to scratch his wife’s finger by grabbing her wedding ring.

The altercation led the flight deck to return the plane from the runway to the boarding gate. Ashley Peterson did not press charges but addressed the incident by posting this on her Instagram account:

“Adrian and I had a verbal argument. Unfortunately, it was on an airplane. At no point did Adrian hit or strike me. This is a private matter between my husband and myself. We ask that everyone respect our privacy so we can focus on what matters most: our children.”

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