Who is Kevin McCarthy wife, Judy McCarthy? The Talks Today

Publish date: 2024-04-28

American politician Kevin Owen McCarthy is the 55th speaker of the House of Representatives at the moment. Currently serving as the representative for California’s 20th congressional district, he is a Republican.

McCarthy, a California native, earned a degree from California State University, Bakersfield.

In 2002, the year he was first elected to the U.S. House, he served as a member of the California State Assembly. The rest of the  article talks about the wife of Kevin McCarthy.

Career of Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy was the House majority whip from 2011 to 2014 after serving as the House Republican chief deputy whip from 2009 to 2011.

McCarthy was chosen majority leader under Speaker John Boehner following House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s defeat in the Republican primary for reelection in 2014. He held this post during Speaker Paul Ryan’s speakership until 2019 when he was chosen as minority leader.

Following Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, McCarthy backed Donald Trump’s refuted allegations of voter fraud and first took part in attempts to have the results overturned.

McCarthy changed his mind about his earlier remarks regarding election fraud and accused Trump of inciting the disturbance following the storming of the U.S. Capitol during the 2021 electoral vote count. He had made a public reconciliation with Trump by 2022.

McCarthy guided the Republicans in the House through the elections of 2022, when they were elected to a majority.

In January 2023, McCarthy was the first Republican nominee for speaker, although he was not elected until the fifteenth ballot.

As speaker, McCarthy and the Biden administration engaged in negotiations to end the 2023 debt limit crisis and avert the first-ever national default following a deadlock between the McCarthy-led House Republican conference and the administration.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, which was drafted by the parties in order to address the issue, was approved by Congress with support from both parties and signed into law by President Biden.

Relationship Scandal of Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy was charged with having an affair with Representative Renee Ellmers in October of 2015.

Shortly before the accusations became public, he had abruptly withdrawn from the race to become Speaker of the House.

A few days prior, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the chair of the Republican Conference, received a letter from Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. informing her that candidates seeking leadership positions who had committed “misdeeds” ought to drop out of the contest.

Ellmers and McCarthy have refuted the accusation. William “Bill” Wages of McCarthy’s brother-in-law’s business, Vortex Construction, was shown in an October 2018 study to have gotten $7.6 million in prime government contracts and no-bid contracts since 2000 as a minority business (a allegation that has been contested).

The majority of the work was for building projects at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, located in McCarthy’s Bakersfield district, and Naval Air Station Lemoore, located in Kings County, California.

Kevin McCarthy Wife: Judy McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy’s wife is Judy McCarthy. McCarthy and his wife, Judy, have two children. They are lifelong residents of Bakersfield.

He and his family are Baptists and members of the Southern Baptist Convention.
