Who is Shaquille O'Neal's mother, Lucille O'Neal? Taking a closer look at NBA legends support sys

Publish date: 2024-04-25

Shaquille O'Neal often talks about his mother Dr. Lucille O'Neal and how they share a very close relationship. She raised him in Newark, New Jersey, mainly as a single mother. Her husband and Shaq's biological father, Joseph Toney, wasn't around. Later, she divorced Phillip Harrison in 2002.

Lucille O'Neal had four children – Shaquille, Ayesha, Lateefah and Jamal – with Shaq being the oldest.

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The four-time NBA champion paid for her education, and she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in business administration and then a Master of Arts in organizational management. She was later honored with a Doctor of Humane Letters degree in 2016 from Bethune-Cookman University. Thus, she goes by the designation of Dr. Lucille O'Neal.

As per an interview with VC Star, O'Neal said:

"My oldest son that got that good job … he paid for my education because it was a dream I had. He said, 'I'll send you – but as long as you keep your grades up.'"

Lucille is a lot more than Shaquille's mom and has several ventures of her own, so let's take a look at her and her life.

Who is Shaquille O'Neal's mother, Lucille O'Neal?

Shaquille O'Neal with his mother, Lucille O'Neal

Shaquille O'Neal's mother, Lucille O'Neal, is a businesswoman and philanthropist who founded the Mother’s of Professional Basketball Players. That organization supports mothers whose sons and/or daughters play professional basketball. She served as the executive secretary for four years and has represented the association on many occasions.

Lucille often gives speeches at notable events such as college graduations, business conferences, basketball programs and more. She hosts an annual fundraiser called "Shaq’s Mama Said Knock You Out!", a premier event to benefit The Odessa Chambliss Quality of Life Fund, featuring a bunch of celebrity hosts.

The LA Lakers legend's mother also authored the book "Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go" and in her remarks, said:

"We believe today that role models are very important. However, I believe that real models are important, so I stand as a real model today. My journey to get here wasn’t always easy. But I stand on the shoulders of everybody who made an investment in my life."

Lucille was recently appointed as a board member of Orlando’s Ovarian Cancer Alliance and a member of MD Anderson’s Council of Governors. When she was introduced as the keynote speaker for the 15th Annual Great Futures for Kids Breakfast, the announcer said:

"She's endured poverty, rejection, abuse, addiction and the illness of a child – yet today her faith and passion for others is stronger than ever."

Shaquille O'Neal and his mother share a close relationship, and she gives him advice to this day. During his years in the NBA, he had a pregame routine with Lucille. In an interview with the "Today" show, Lucille said:

"I'll give him a wink and a smile, and he was playing his game. But by the time he got to the NBA, we had a ritual. I would give him bubblegum, and then I would kiss him, and I say, 'Play your game.' As a grown man."

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