Why does Solo Sikoa always have his thumb wrapped in a bandage? Possible reason explored

Publish date: 2024-05-30

Solo Sikoa is currently involved in The Bloodline Saga as he is the only one left on Roman Reigns' side after the faction's implosion. Moreover, The Enforcer is among the most dominant stars in the company. During a recent edition of SmackDown, Sikoa and Roman Reigns demonstrated their dominance by attacking Jey Uso ahead of his clash against Reigns at SummerSlam 2023.

It's worth noting that Solo Sikoa's current finishing maneuver is the Samoan Spike, a move popularized by the late Umaga. Meanwhile, many fans have noticed that the former NXT North American Champion now wraps his thumb in a bandage ahead of his matches and segments. However, this was not the case during his NXT tenure.

Solo Sikoa is currently working on SmackDown

The potential reason behind this change could be to reduce the impact of the blow during the Samoan Spike. By wrapping his thumb, Sikoa might aim to make the maneuver safer for his opponents and avoid potential injuries. This cautious approach is crucial for superstars on the main roster, where safety and careful execution of spots are vital to protect their fellow competitors.

It's important to highlight that, as of now, there haven't been any reported real-life injuries caused by Sikoa's Samoan Spike. However, this precautionary measure highlights Sikoa's attempts to make his wrestling style safer.

Possible plans for Solo Sikoa in WWE

As of now, there is no official match announced for Solo Sikoa at SummerSlam 2023. However, he will likely be involved in the Tribal Combat between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso. Some speculations surrounding Sikoa's plans indicate him potentially betraying The Tribal Chief on TV.

Many fans believe that SummerSlam could serve as a potential occasion for the betrayal, with Sikoa possibly choosing to side with his brother, Jey Uso. Over the past few weeks, there have also been signs and teases hinting at a singles run for The Enforcer in the company.

The upcoming SummerSlam event will play a pivotal role in the ongoing Bloodline Saga. With major surprises and twists anticipated at The Biggest Party of the Summer, it will be intriguing to see if Sikoa ultimately goes against Reigns or if the storyline takes a different direction.

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